How to Keep the Cost of House Clearance Down

Here we will explore how expensive house clearances can be in the UK and ways that you can keep the price down. Understandably it’s the first question everyone asks when they enquire about a house clearance service, how much will it cost me?

There are several factors that will affect the total cost of any clearance, here’s just a few.

  • The amount that must be removed – You may be charged by the volume of items that need to be removed (by weight or square foot) or by the actual number of items.
  • Types of items – If it is just simply everyday items and rubbish that needs clearing, you’ll be charged based on the amount. However, some items will incur an additional charge because they contain hazardous material and need specialised disposal. Fridges and freezers fall into this category.
  • Difficulty involved – Large, heavy items that are difficult to manoeuvre will incur a higher fee.
  • Access to site – If it is difficult to park the van near to the house that is being cleared or the route to and from has obstacles that will slow down the job and add to the overall cost.

We are a reputable house clearance company, are fully licensed and insured to remove all kinds of unwanted waste and are happy to give you a fair quote.

Cost Cutting Tips

Considering the above it is possible to cut the cost of getting a house cleared, although this will largely depend on your circumstances.

If you can you should sort out anything of value first and sell it to help offset the cost.  These days it is easier to do this through auction sites and social media.

Donate items to charity if you are unable to sell them.  Some charities will collect items for free that they can sell on but anything you can do to reduce the amount of rubbish to be cleared from the house will help the final cost.

Make sure that all items are as accessible as possible.  Any obstacles that will slow down the job and can be moved prior to the job commencing will cut down the time required and help lower the price.

Handle all the small, easy to clear and dispose of items yourself leaving the professionals just the items you cannot manage.

A Word of Warning

Beware of low cost offers for clearing a house as they can fall into the too good to be true category. Getting rid of unwanted stuff must be done properly and there are legal requirements that can be costly to ensure that all waste is disposed of in an environmentally safe way.

If you employ a cowboy company, who bypass these costs by fly tipping your rubbish and it is traced back to you, you could face a fine. This may seem unfair, especially as you trusted these unscrupulous individuals, but because the rubbish is yours the onus is on you to ensure it is disposed of properly.


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