How Much Does Rubbish Removal Cost?

Of all the different types of removal services offered by us and many others, rubbish removal costs are often the most difficult to quantify. Why might you ask? Well for starters rubbish comes in many shapes and sizes, not to mention weight, with the removal of anything from garden cuttings to a large fridge which means costing them can be hard.

Unfortunately, the accumulation of rubbish is an unavoidable consequence when you embark on any kind of renovation or cleaning up job. Making sure that you know how much the removal of the rubbish is likely to cost you is something that you will want to budget for to ensure that you do not get caught out by any unexpected costs.

Factors that will affect the cost

  • What the actual rubbish is, for example, lightweight items that are easy to carry will cost less than heavy, bulky items.
  • Where the rubbish is located can also have a bearing on how much it costs to remove it.
  • The time it is likely to take to remove the waste
  • The amount of rubbish that needs removing
  • How it needs to be disposed of, for example fridges, paints and other environmentally sensitive waste that requires specialist disposal.

Cost saving tips for your rubbish removal

Currently everyone is watching the pennies and it makes sense to keep the costs as low as possible.  Thankfully there are things that you can do to alleviate the financial burden a little.

Here’s a few suggestions to help you to keep the cost of removing your rubbish down.

  • Is there some, or all, of the rubbish that you can remove yourself? Reducing the amount of rubbish that needs removing can help keep the cost down.
  • Make sure that all the rubbish is located on the ground floor and as near to the entrance of your property as possible. Hard to reach or difficulty in access is likely to incur a higher price.
  • As above, make sure that there is suitable, close proximity parking for a van.
  • When asking for a quote, make sure you include all the rubbish that needs removing. Adding extra at the last minute, especially if it impacts on the time it takes, may incur additional costs.

Environmentally Sensitive Rubbish

Not all rubbish can simply be discarded once you’ve finished with it and all waste needs to be handled correctly to ensure that it does not have a negative impact on the environment. There are certain items of rubbish that require special consideration when throwing them away, for instance;

  • Fridges/Freezers
  • Paints
  • Hazardous Waste i.e. asbestos

The above items will obviously have an impact on the cost of removing and disposing of them and many companies have a set charge for these.

If the rubbish you want removing contains asbestos, or any other hazardous materials, then you’ll need a specialist company who is licensed to remove this.

Whether your rubbish needs specialist treatment or not, always make sure that you choose a genuine rubbish removal company, such as JS Removals, who have the required waste carrier licence and hold the necessary insurances to carry out the work legally.

Skip versus man and van

In certain circumstances you might find that it is more cost effective to hire a skip and go down the do-it-yourself route if you are able to. Although this is something that needs careful consideration, and will depend on several practical conditions, it can sometimes work out better value for you.

Some things that you need to consider if you are hiring a skip are;

  • You’ll need to fill it yourself – So some general fitness will be required as well as having the time to do this.
  • You’ll need somewhere for the skip whilst you’re filling it – Most skip hire is for a period of time, such as a week, and the skip is not moveable once in situ so you need to bear this in mind.
  • If the skip has to be sited on a public road you may need a license for it which comes that will incur additional costs.

On the other hand, simply getting someone to take care of the whole rubbish removal can be the most cost-effective route when you take into consideration your time and the convenience of simply picking up the phone and letting someone else take the strain.

As you can see there is not a simple answer to the question, how much does rubbish removal cost? There are simply too many variables that need considering but hopefully this post has given you some ideas of what to expect and how to keep the costs to a minimum.


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